To attract make yourself irresistible to a potential new lover, add a few grains to the bath before going to a date or other meeting.
Female Gender
To cause a lady to desire sexual relations:
Place beneath the candle both partner's names on parchment and encircle them with a hand drawn heart.
Male Gender
To control a man's sexual desires:
To enhance power, use red, the color for strength and vigor.
Double Action
(Red & Black)
For love, sex, or energy problems:
Write the intention of the rite on parchment and place it beneath the candle you have decided is appropriate for the purpose.
Light the candle and let it burn until it is consumed, or for one hour each day, whichever method is most convenient.
As you ignite the candle, repeat this chant,
Let the good come in, as the bad goes out,
Let the day be bright, and the night be stilled.
Let the mind be clear, let the heart be stout,
Let the soul be free, and the eye with beauty filled.
Anoint with Come To Me Oil.
Burn them when the loved one is present.
APHRODISIA - To excite great passion in another
Sexy, sexy, sexy. Should be used sparingly, & only near the person you wish to arouse.
Secure for yourself a Fifth pentacle of Venus design (draw one as pictured in the Greater Key of Solomon book or purchase it from an occult supply house). Anoint it with oil, & place it in the pocket or purse of the one you wish to attract.
ALGIERS - Sensuous setting
From this melting pot on the Mediterranean Sea comes an intriguing fragrance which brings a mysterious allure wherever it is used.
Apply it to a light bulb (before it is turned on, never when the bulb is already heated) for a sensuous setting that stimulates the tender feelings of the heart for all those in the room.
ASTARTE - Fertility
Dedicated to the Mesopotamian goddess of love who dates back to about 2000 BC, Astarte was believed to have the power to help those who wish to have a child. If that is your desire, anoint the inner thighs with this fragrance before a love session & the results may be favorable.
ANIMAL - Lose shyness
This is not intended for any four-footed friends, but could turn a shy miss or timid beau into an aggressive feline or ferocious tiger. Use sparingly as it is highly concentrated.